Knowledge Domains

  • Environmental sciences

  • Public health

  • Social policy

  • Clinical research

  • Geospatial analysis

  • Mapping and cartography

  • International development

  • Program evaluation

  • Economics

  • Crime and criminology

  • Infectious disease modeling

  • Nuclear accidents

  • Ecological risk assessment and analysis

  • Survey research and statistics

  • Food safety and food security

  • Water quality and water resources

Technologies and Tools

  • Linux, Apple, and Windows operating systems

  • Data science and relational database management systems

  • Open source technologies

  • MS Office, MS SQL Server, Postresql/PostGIS, SQLite3, R statistics, ggplot2, python, ArcGIS, QGIS, HTML, XML and other tagged markup languages

  • Expert in geographic toponyms, including proficiency with contemporary and classical toponym databases

Other Skills and Interests

  • Politics

  • Classical history and literature

  • Ancient philosophy

  • Personal finance and investing

  • Eldercare

  • Cooking and food

  • Music, music theory, and music history

  • Coffee roasting

  • Amateur radio

  • Environmental conservation

  • Managing federal contracts

  • Grant-writing