Indexes: Thorough, accurate, on schedule, and to specification

For a book lover with a liberal arts education and 35-year career in science and technology, book indexing was a natural choice for a second career. The skills I acquired as a research scientist in a client-driven industry provided a good foundation, to which I added a thorough study of indexing standards and principles, reinforced with repeated practice. I have now been professionally indexing for more than a year and find it an interesting and engrossing occupation.

Included in my fee will be a professional copyedit of the index to ensure compliance with format requirements, locator accuracy, and correct grammar and spelling.

All of this adds up to an index that will enhance your book and its usability, delivered on time and to your publisher’s specifications.

About me

I recently closed out a career in applied research which included 35 years as a manager and senior scientist at RTI International, a leading non-profit applied research institute. I supported or led a wide range of projects including those involving environmental protection, environmental health, international development, infectious disease modeling, criminology, and many others (see Knowledge Domains for more).

I am an active member of the American Society for Indexing. As part of my goal of giving back whenever an organization provides me with support, skills, and feedback, I developed and presented a webinar in the ASI webinar series titled Indexing Geographic Place-names to share my knowledge and experience with place-names and place-name resources with others in the professional indexing community.